Artwork by Bannerandsail π Gallery
"God does not give us everything we want, but He does fulfill His promises,
leading us along the best and straightest paths to Himself.”
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer
#1 The first painting had to be about the pandemic! Covid 19 affected all of us, some worse than others, but it’s much harder on the most vulnerable where food and supplies are scarce! Food is life changing for kids that have very little!
You can help, donate to my art for charity series. Available
This little girl, Ireen walked 3 to 4 times a day collecting water in Malawi. It’s unsafe and dirty water, that makes them sick and many times she doesn’t have time to go to school from walking so far multiple times a day!
Now she has clean water close to home from a borehole drilled by World Vision. Health, Education and safety are some of the benefits from not walking so far to get water for this little girl and other kids in her village.
Photo credit World Vision 2020 Atlas Productions
I was surprised to find out that this is the president's sponsor child. He chose Edgar from a wall full of photos, not knowing that it was the president of World Vision!
This one didn’t turn out as close to the picture like I would of wanted, the World Vision photo is a stunningly beautiful photo and my painting wouldn’t do it justice! I added some flowers for Mother’s Day.
Photo credit World Vision /Lily Mary Rodrigues Bangladesh Available
Hunger is on the rise and I can’t even imagine being a mom and feeding little ones when there is hardly any food.
If you want to help, 
South Sudan
So many children around the world are traumatized by domestic violence, emotional abuse, traffickers and the pandemic. Heck, we are all traumatized by the pandemic, but poverty makes things harder for them! They are home with their abusers more, there may not be enough food on the table or clean water and lack of medical care makes things more difficult. Children need support, both emotionally and spiritually when they have gone through something traumatic in their lives.
Sponsoring a child helps the child with basic needs but also looks after their whole wellbeing with emotional and spiritual support. Photo Credit World Vision /Joy Malwyo
This painting is Moms feed the world”.
These women are feeding their family with crops they planted and hand water with jerry cans in South Sudan.
"Community members water their vegetable gardens early in a Saturday morning in Kuajok, Warrup State, South Sudan".(©2015 World Vision/photo by Jon Warren)
Tip Tap water system built by World Vision helps children with clean water, sanitation and hygiene to keep them healthy and happy not to have to walk several times a day for water. Photo credit World Vision/Eugene Lee Available
Irene (I just found out she has my mother’s name) is watering plants on a farm plot in Malawi. She’s cultivating high quality seeds that will yield valuable crops for her family. Photo reference World Vision
Sold (from last the series)
Kids in Zambia taking a joy ride on a bicycle while the photographer captures their fun.
Photo credit Laura Reinhardt/World Vision Zambia 2019
This painting is from a photo by World Vision / Jon Warren
Kids getting there life saving vaccines. Diseases like polio, measles and malaria can be greatly reduced by these vaccines.
“The Olympic Spirit”. Painted from a world Vision photo by Eugene Lee/World Vision.
The last piece of this series is a little boy from the Democratic Republic of Congo proudly showing his soccer ball that he made himself out of plastic bags and found strings from mosquito nets in his village. Celestin, who is 12 years old took two hours to complete this ball. How’s that for the #Olympic #spirit! Sponsor a child, who needs someone like you to believe in him, you never know what his potential could be!
"Be strong and take heart,all you who hope in the Lord."
Psalm 31:24
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